How To Look After Your Veneers?

 Dental enhancements known as porcelain veneers might prove beneficial if you have minor teeth maladies such as staining, chipping, or cracking. Typically, these items remain intact anywhere from 10 to 17 years. That said, by adhering to certain maintenance techniques, said materials may keep you smiling brightly for far longer periods.

The experienced and patient-minded oral care providers employed inside Sydney's Five Dock Dental Clinic stress that you can prolong the lives of veneers by engaging in actions including:

Maintain Optimal Hygienic Efforts

Veneers are not immune to decay. Ergo, the dentists working for Five Dock Dental Clinic implore you to brush twice and floss at a bare minimum twice and once per day, respectively.

Obtain Routine Care

Above all, you are strongly encouraged to visit your dental care provider at least once or twice per year. Said professionals will thoroughly examine your veneers, make sure they are firmly in place, and look out and fix for any possible damages. Additionally, visits to your dentist are crucial because these individuals provide professional grade cleanings and can identify any other issues in early and more easily manageable stages.

Limit Consumption Of Specific Foods

Foods that are challenging to bite into like raw vegetables and hard candies might prove harmful to veneers. In recognition of this fact, you should either limit your consumption or partake in precautionary tactics like breaking items in half or cutting them into smaller pieces.

Stop Grinding Your Teeth

This habit, which is known in dental circles as bruxism, can significantly foul veneers. Your risk of developing this problem increases when you are dealing with elevated stress levels, possess an abnormal dental bite, or are stricken with the condition known as nocturnal bruxism. Persons with this malady continually grind their teeth while asleep.

Those impacted by bruxism for any reason are urged to identify stress-relieving activities, correct insufficient dental bites, or wear mouth guards during the night.

Avoid Or Limit Intake Of Staining Foods And Beverages

The team at Five Dock Dental Clinic want you to know that most porcelain veneers are stain-resistant. However, as time progresses, edibles and drinks such as coffee, chocolate, tea, red wine can precipitate unsightly blemishes. Therefore, you are urged to greatly limit your intake of said products or ingest drinkable items using a straw. Moreover, tobacco products can discolor veneers.

Contacting Us

We at Five Dock Dental Clinic only use custom-made porcelain designs. If you have or think you need veneers, request any additional information about the preceding topic, have questions about any other oral care-related issues or about the services we provide, please contact us today.


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